Dear all
It’s been great to see the children back in the pool over the last few months and we have been delighted to be able to welcome some new members to the club over recent weeks.
Now that we are entering the second half of the summer term we thought it would be useful to summarise some updates and dates for your diaries.
A quick reminder that CBHSC Time Trials Evenings will be held Sunday, Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 27th, 28th, 30thJune & 2nd July and 11th, 12th, 14th, & 16th July. As a competitive club we would encourage all swimmers in Dolphin Squads and above to enter. The closing date for entries for the Time Trials Evenings is 10pm on Monday 14th June 2021. For a full meet pack click here. **Please note there will be no training on these nights**
We would like to encourage all parents to pay their swim fees via Go Cardless. It is very simple to set up and allows fees to be collected monthly. It can also be used to pay ad hoc payments such as gala entries and ASA Fees directly from your preferred bank account.
Please click the link below to set this up and follow the instructions:
Please make sure when filling in that you use YOUR SWIMMER’S NAME under the name option so that we know who the payment is from. Also you will need to set this process up for each swimmer if you have more than one. This option also allows us to change your monthly payment fee when your swimmer moves groups therefore saving you the time to have to do it yourself.
A notification will be sent to advise each time an invoice is raised and that a payment will be following in 4 working days.
Payments can also be received via a standing order paid by the 10th of every month. Irregular payments do cause more admin time to be spent by our Finance Team (who are all volunteers giving their time most generously already) so, please support them by paying early in the month.
With the end of term approaching we have a number of cups and trophies that need to be collected in. As a committee we are in need of help to do this and are looking for a Trophy Secretary. We have a list of swimmers who will need to be contacted and the helper will need to have a dry place to store them. Please contact Caroline on if you think you might be able to help with this essential job. We need to collect the trophies in so we can re-award them to a new batch of swimmers!
We always welcome any parent/guardian offers of help, and if this is help poolside there is a requirement to complete a Swim England Safeguarding Course. We have a course coming up that we offer to Team Managers, teachers and helpers. If you are interested in attending please contact Carrie at
It has been brought to the committee’s attention by both our Covid marshals, our coaches and the leisure centre managers that we still have swimmers who are not adhering to the mask wearing rules as set by Carn Brea Leisure Centre and Swim England.
As a reminder…ALL children must wear a mask on entering the leisure centre and must keep it on until they reach their place of exercise i.e. poolside. They must then wear their mask after completing their exercise, from poolside until they exit the building.
This ruling is in place to keep swimmers, coaches and poolside staff safe. As a result, we feel that as a committee we need to re-iterate the rules around mask wearing.
- We understand that masks can be forgotten, so on the first time your child forgets and/or doesn’t wear their mask this will be brought to the child’s attention and reported to club’s Covid Officer who will keep a written record.
- If a second warning is required for a swimmer failing to adhere to the mask wearing rules, then the parent/guardian will be contacted by the Covid Officer in writing.
- If the same swimmer then attempts to enter the leisure centre without wearing a mask on a 3rd occasion, they will be refused entry and not be permitted to swim for that session.
We understand that rules in other settings may differ, and that guidelines may change in the late June government announcement, but until then it is imperative that we abide by the rules set by the leisure centre. Failure to do so could jeopardise the club’s pool time.
We hope that as parents/guardians you can support us in this matter and ensure your child is familiar with this policy. We simply want to offer the best protection we can to our members at this current time.
The club summer shut down dates are as follows:
- Swordfish and Dolphins – the last day of swimming will be Friday 23rd July, in line with the end of the school holidays
- For all other squads the last day of swimming will be Friday 13th August
All squads will return for the autumn term the week commencing Wednesday 1st September.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a splendid final half term of swimming!
CBHSC Committee & Coaching Team